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 - Intro

      Arabic Alphabet
      Arabic Vowels
      Arabic Pronouns
      Arabic Adjectives & Adverbs
      Arabic Nouns, Feminine and Plural
      Arabic Comparison/ Superlative
      Arabic Prepositions
      Arabic Present Tense
      Arabic Interrogative & Negation
      Vocabulary List
      01 Arabic Adjectives & Adverbs
      02 Names of Animals in Arabic
      03 Body Parts in Arabic
      04 Food names and items of the house in Arabic
      05 School and Occupations in Arabic
      06 Countries and Places in Arabic
      07 Time & Weather in Arabic
      08 English Arabic Words List
      09 Important Arabic Phrases
      10 English Arabic Words List A/B
      11 English Arabic Words List C/D
      12 English Arabic Words List E/F
      01 Arabic numbers
      02 Arabic Reading


    Learn Arabic Online / اللغة العربية

    An Introduction to Arabic Pronouns

    Learning Arabic can be difficult, since many of the sounds and the appearance of the language are quite different from English. Learning to correctly apply pronouns in your Arabic conversation may seem tough, but it’s one of the most important steps to achieving fluency in the language.

    When you first start learning Arabic, you’ll quickly learn that one of the most important lessons is that of the Arabic pronouns. Arabic pronouns may seem more complicated than their English counterparts, since there are a few of the Arabic pronouns – “he,” “she,” “I,” and “you” – that can be used alone, without the need to conjugate them, and can stand without a verb.

    For example, when telling your name, you would only use the Arabic word for “me” or “I,” and then use your name. You don’t need any verb such as “am” or “is.” This may sound peculiar if you were translating it to English, but is correct in Arabic. Here are the translations for the different Arabic pronouns.

    He: anti
    She: howa
    We: hiya
    You: nahnu (Male)
    You: antum (Female)
    I: ana
    They: antun na (male)
    They: hum (female)

    In the case of “you,” if you’re speaking to a group of people of both genders at once, you would use the pronoun “antuna.” However, if you’re speaking of a situation, the work to use is “humaa.” This is one way that Arabic differs from many languages, as there is a dual complexity to the language. Not only do you need to specify gender in a situation, you also need to be specific about how many people you’re speaking about or to.

    If you need to make a pronoun possessive, you’ll add a suffix the end of the words, instead of using the pronouns. To say something belongs to you, you only add to the word of what you are talking about. Other differences to the Arabic pronouns are:

    Your: Add ka or k (male, singular)
    Your: Add ki or k (female, singular)
    His: Add ho or h
    Her: Add ha or h
    Your: Add kum (female, plural)
    Your: Add na (male, plural)
    Their: Add kun (male, plural)
    Their: Add kum (female, plural)

    With these possessive pronouns, you’ll also need to add a different suffix to the word when you’re speaking to a group with both males and females. If you were to say “our,” you would add the suffix “kuman.” If you were to say “you,” add the word “human.” However, there are times when a pronoun is not used at all in the Arabic language. For example, “arastu” means studied, and it can be used by itself if you want to say “I studied.”

    When you look for courses in Arabic instruction, you need to be sure you find one that will give you practical exercises in pronoun usage. These courses should also include a feedback mechanism so that you know when you’ve made mistakes in pronoun conjugation.

    Pronouns are one of the most difficult parts of the Arabic language to learn, but they’re also some of the most important things to learn, since incorrectly addressing a man or woman can be offensive. When you’re able to master this area of the language, you’ll be well on your way to becoming fluent in Arabic. However, it’s not going to happen overnight. You’ll need to set aside a certain amount of time each day in order to learn Arabic correctly.

    Arabic Pronouns

    Arabic Subject Pronouns:

    In Arabic the subject pronoun is more specific than many other languages, for example there are different ways to say “you” in Arabic depending on who you’re addressing it to, for example to address 2 people you use a subject pronoun different than the one you would use for a single person, also if you’re addressing more than two people you will have to use a different form for that as well. Finally most of subject pronouns have a feminine and a masculine form. The table below shows the different forms you may come across:

    Arabic Subject Pronouns




    I   أنا  Ana
    you (singular masculine.)   أنتَ Anta
    you (singular feminine)     أنتِ  Anti

    he   هو Howa

    she هي Hiya
    you (dual male or female) أنتُما  Antuma
    they (dual male or female) هُما  Humaa
    We  نحن Nahn
    you (plural masculine)  أنتُم Antum
    you (plural feminine)  أنتُن Antun
    they (plural masculine)  هُم Hum

    they (plural feminine)  هُن Hun

    To say for example I’m a boy = Ana walad! (Ana = I, walad = boy) as you may have noticed “am” and “a” are omitted in Arabic, so it’s like saying “I boy”, same thing with all other subject pronouns. He is a boy = Howa walad (he boy), we’re boys = Nahnu* Awlad (we boys),

    You may also have noticed that Arabic has a “dual” form,  meaning that Arabic is being more specific about not only the gender but also the number, so the dual form is used to refer to two people, if you want to talk to Speak7 and Karim to tell them: you both speak Arabic! =  Antuma tatakallamani al ‘arabia انتما تتكلّمان العربية , if you want to talk about them: they both speak Arabic = Humaa yatakalamani al ‘arabia هما يتكلمان العربية .

    For the plural there are five subject pronouns, We = Nahn (for females and males). You = Antum (when you talk to 3 males or more, or one male and the 2 females or more)

    You = Antun (when you talk to 3 females or more). They = Hum (when you talk about 3 males or more, or one male and the 2 females or more). They = Hun (when you talk about 3 females or more).

    * Some subject pronouns take an extra vowel at the end when they’re followed by other words, to make the pronunciation smooth and easy, just like when you add an “n” to the indefinite article “a” to some words, “an umbrella” instead of “a umbrella” to make it easier to pronounce, same thing in Arabic, we add either “u” or “a” to many words to make them go in harmony with other words following them, we will go through that later, but for now you can keep using the articles without these vowels especially because you will be still understood even without adding them.


    Arabic Object Pronouns:

    Object pronouns in Arabic are me, you, him, her, us, you (plural) and come after a verb; In Arabic they’re as follows:

    Arabic Object Pronouns




    Me: verb+ni  ني
    You (masculine): verb+k   كََ
    You (feminine): verb+ki    كِ

    Him: verb+h  ه ،  ـه

    Her: verb+ha  ها
    You (dual male or female): verb+kumaa  كُما
    Them (dual male or female): verb+humaa هُما


    We: verb+naa  نا
    You (plural masculine): verb+kum   كُم
    You (plural feminine): verb+kun  كُن

    Them (plural masculine): verb+hum  هُم

    Them (plural feminine): verb+hun هُن

    So to say in Arabic “you show me”, after conjugating the verb and adding the “you” to it, you need to add the object pronoun “me” to it as well, note that “you show me” in Arabic is written like “youshowme” meaning that the subject pronoun + the verb + the object pronoun are all connected, “you” as a prefix and “me” as a suffix of the verb “show”, so it would be (you show me = turini تُريني ) (you show us = turina ترينا )  (you show him = turih تريه ). Try to memorize these Arabic Pronouns, as they’re very important.


    Arabic Determinative Possessive Pronouns:

    Similar to the Arabic object pronouns, the determinative possessive pronouns look the same, the only difference is that they end a noun and not a verb like above. So to learn how to say “my house” “his car” “her dress” …you need to look at the table below:

    Arabic Determinative Possessive Pronouns




    Me: noun+i  ي
    You (masculine): noun+k   كََ
    You (feminine): noun+ki    كِ

    Him: noun+h  ه ،  ـه

    Her: noun+ha  ها
    You (dual male or female): noun+kumaa  كُما
    Them (dual male or female): noun+humaa هُما


    We: noun+naa  نا
    You (plural masculine): noun+kum   كُم
    You (plural feminine): noun+kun  كُن

    Them (plural masculine): noun+hum  هُم

    Them (plural feminine): noun+hun هُن

    In Arabic you have to use the possessive pronouns above as a suffix, meaning that they should be ending the word (noun), here are some examples:

    Book = Kitab   كتاب    

    My book = Kitabi                كتابي  

    Your book = kitabuk كتابك 

    Your book (singular female) = Kitabuki كتابك 

    His book = Kitabuh   كتابه   

    Her book = Kitabuha كتابها   

    Your book (dual male or female) = Kitabukumaa كتابكما 

    Their book (dual male or female) = Kitabuhumaa كتابهما 

    Our book = Kitabuna كتابنا

    Your book (plural masculine) = Kitabukum كتابكم

    Your book (plural feminine) = Kitabukun كتابكن

    Their book (plural masculine) = Kitabuhum كتابهم

    Their book (plural feminine) = kitabuhun كتابهن 

    So it’s very easy to use the possessive pronoun in Arabic, you just need to add the suffixes on the table above to the word, and that’s it.

    Arabic Prepositional Pronouns: (to me, for you, about her …any pronoun with a preposition preceding it)

    It’s easy to use the prepositional pronouns in Arabic; you just add the suffix below to the preposition, which looks exactly like the ones we learn before in the possessive object, above:

    Arabic Prepositional Pronouns




    Me: preposition+i  ي

    You (masculine): preposition+k   كََ

    You (feminine): preposition+ki    كِ

    Him: preposition+h  ه ،  ـه

    Her: preposition+ha  ها
    You (dual male or female): preposition+kumaa  كُما
    Them (dual male or female): preposition+humaa هُما


    We: preposition+naa  نا
    You (plural masculine): preposition+kum   كُم
    You (plural feminine): preposition+kun  كُن
    Them (plural masculine): preposition+hum  هُم
    Them (plural feminine): preposition+hun هُن

    So to say “come to me” we would add the prepositional pronoun “me = i” to the Arabic preposition “to = ila”, so “come to me = taala ilai = تعال إلي

    Said to me = qaal li قال لي   .


    Arabic Independent Possessive Pronouns:

    In Arabic the independent possessive pronoun is used to express “mine, yours, hers….”

    Example: the book is mine: al kitab li الكتاب لي, the drink is ours: al mashroob lana المشروب لنا . The table below shows the independent possessive pronouns:


    Arabic Independent Possessive Pronouns




    Mine   li  لي

    yours (sing masculine) lak  لك

    yours (singular feminine) laki  لك

    his  lah   له

    hers  laha لها ها

    yours (dual male or female) lakumaa  لكما

    theirs (dual male or female) lahumaa 

    Ours  lana لنا

    yours (plural masculine) lakum لكم

    yours (plural feminine) lakun لكن

    theirs (plural masculine) lahum لهم

    theirs (plural feminine) lahun لهن

    You can also use the word “milk” to form independent possessive, the word milk ملك means “property of” …, the book is mine (my property) = al kitaabu milki الكتاب ملكي, but I would suggest to use the pronouns on the table above which is easier and more used.


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